Few things change the overall look and feel of your home quite like landscaping your yard. Whether you take on small projects to spruce up the space or completely renovate the garden, landscaping can be a rewarding project. Read on for five things to consider before you get started.
Start with a Plan
Many homeowners make the mistake of getting excited about a single project and forgetting to map out a plan for the entire yard or garden. By putting in rocks or bushes in one location that will clash with a future project down the road, you waste time and money. Instead, create a general plan for how you want things to look down the road. Of course, this plan can be flexible so you can change it as things come up, but having the overall layout designed before you get started will help keep things efficient and cohesive.
Before you start drawing up your plan, gather lots of ideas so you know what you like, don’t like, and think is possible. Check out yards you like in your neighborhood, get ideas from the internet, and ask the pros for advice for your specific area.
Take Your Time
When you get the itch to landscape, it can be tempting to take on the whole, huge project at once. Instead, many people are better served by taking their time to tackle individual projects one at a time. Decide what works best for your budget and schedule, but know that starting small and adding to your garden over time is a perfectly acceptable way to landscape.
Follow Neighborhood Regulations
If your city, homeowner association, or neighborhood have certain rules about landscaping, be sure to check them out before you begin your project. For example, if trees have to be a certain distance from the property line, fences must be made of certain materials, or other regulations are in place to keep things uniform, it’s important for you to adhere to those guidelines to avoid fines and having to undo your work down the road.
Keep the Sun in Mind
When putting in trees, plants, or a garden, keep the sun in mind as you draw up your plans. Which direction does your yard face? During what time of day will it get the most sun? Keep those things in mind as you proceed. For example, having a flower bed or garden right next to your home might limit the amount of sun it gets, keeping it from thriving.
Get a Plant Education
To plant the best garden and make your yard look as beautiful as possible, give yourself a little plant education. Your neighbors can be an excellent resource, letting you know which of their plants have taken to the ground and climate and which have failed to thrive. Your landscapers are also an excellent source of advice and knowledge, since they see the local successes and failures every day. The internet can also help you discover plants you might not otherwise consider, helping give your garden variety and beauty.
If you have questions or need help with your Houston, TX, landscaping, reach out to the pros at Natural Wonders Landscaping by calling 832-755-1384 or emailing info.naturalwonders@gmail.com.